Online Marketing Strategies to Combat Closing

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Large carryout signs used to depict online marketing strategies

There is a slew of uncertainty all over as the Coronavirus continues to spread around the world. We are unsure of what will come next. Families and economies alike are being negatively affected by the impact the virus made on everyday lifestyles.

Just like our nation’s leaders are coming together to formulate the best possible plan to get through this tough time, we too should find things we can do. Take these following online marketing strategies for example, that we can use to conduct business in the midst of the precautions.

People are being called to upkeep “social distancing” practices in order to help prevent the spread of the virus. This is causing a large portion of thriving businesses to come to terms with closing up shop. They cannot continue their services with the abrupt halt in income.

There are also many businesses creating innovative ways to reach their customers as well as deliver their products to them. Utilizing online resources and digital marketing strategies makes this possible for them.

Consider the following routes to take if you are running a business, whether it has been affected by social distancing customers or not. No matter if you find just one or all four strategies relevant for selling your product or service, going out of the box at a time like this can be crucial to the well-being of your business. It could also quite possibly make some very loyal customers in the process!


Retailers that already have a system in place to inventory their stock, keep track of prices and promotions, and record customer subscriptions will probably find integrating an eCommerce store the least intimidating.

Setting up an online store, however, doesn’t have to be all that difficult. It will be most simply done for businesses that provide a more limited inventory of products. Do a little research and you’ll be surprised at the solutions that are already in place to help you take advantage of the opportunity!

Kiosk and Checkout Terminals

If your business still requires some level of interaction with customers, perhaps a self-serve checkout terminal or kiosk would do the trick. This option might be attractive for business owners that have already had to cut back on their amount of staff for lack of funds or purpose for their shifts.

Go this route and you will want to look into a Point of Sale (POS) system like Shopify that best suits your need and budget. Another important aspect to consider is the level of equipment you are looking to use for the terminals. Take a simple iPad with a stand and cover or a free-standing podium-style kiosk, for example.

Social Media Sales

Both Facebook and Instagram, as primary examples, have a means for selling products on account pages and in the posts themselves. Selling products on social media is yet another option for some of the smaller end businesses that might find checkout terminals or eCommerce construction too extensive. On the flip side, it’s a great addition to either of the previous options to further increase your brand’s exposure!

Ordering Online and Carryout

Restaurants, eateries, and bakeries alike could easily utilize online ordering and carryout strategies! The majority of changes to implement would take place online and, even with a reduced staff, meals could be delivered to customers in their vehicles.

Don’t forget, customers that might not have internet access (or those that prefer the old-fashioned way!) could still call in an order for carryout. Now we are HUGE advocates for establishing your online presence, but landlines aren’t yet completely obsolete!

Rest assured with these four online marketing strategies that the good fight is not over for businesses! They will help boost your business’ productivity and positivity. Let’s keep our hopes high that the pandemic will be over soon and recover quickly. OCGnow wishes you and your families the best during this time.

If your business could benefit from the four strategies mentioned in this article or any other amount of digital marketing services, give OCGnow a call today at 904-600-3600. We help businesses achieve a strong online presence that can rank with the top competitors in your industry.

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