The Importance of Website Security Services

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It goes without saying you would not leave the doors of your brick-and-mortar location unlocked when going home for the night. The same is true for your website! What if your website had doors open to anyone with bad intentions or was looking to take from your site?

Being that websites are completely digital, the possibility for a door to be open is very likely (and somewhat mysterious!) We will describe some of the most common ways that the security of your WordPress website can be compromised. This leaves your site and all of its contents vulnerable when not protected with website security services.

Poor Hosting Protection

One of the most substantial ways your site can be exposed to corrupt traffic is by being hosted by a provider with poor security conditions. Some statistics show that as much as 41% of hacks to websites can come through this method.

Putting Off Plugin & Theme Updates

Most of the time, plugin, and theme updates include more than just interface or content updates. They will usually include security patches along with all of the needs your plugins and website need to work properly. When performing large updates, it is important to backup your site to prevent breakage.

Insecure Login Credentials

Have ever set a combination lock to a very memorable string of numbers so that you would not forget the way to open the lock? Though this may work for much less valuable items around the house, your website needs to have a much more secure route for logging in.

With a huge amount of information being collected and sold online, it should be of no surprise you need a very unique login. With lists of common passwords being generated all of the time, your login will become compromised very easily.

Poor Quality Plugins & Themes

Having money is a highly universal want, and looking for free plugins and themes may be a side effect of trying to obtain it. The problem, however, is that the quality of these products is not usually very good, and worst of all, can contain outdated or inactivated products. It’s these products that can become open doors for hackers to gain access to your site. Spend the extra money to buy a more quality and secure product, it is worth it!

Investing in a professional website design team is one of the best ways to ensure your investment in a website will be safe. Give OCGnow a call today at (904) 600-3600 to learn more about our website design services and our top-of-the-line anti-spam, monitoring, and website security services can help your business.

This post was originally published on 8/27/2020 and updated on 11/24/2021 for accuracy and a larger scope of information.

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