Social Media Growth Hacks for Small Business

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Digital marketing agency graphic depicting social media growth hacks

It can be demotivating while first starting out on your small business social media marketing efforts. You may see local competitors that are having a sharp increase in followers while you feel stagnant.

Your posts might appear to be every bit as engaging as the next company’s, but no conversations are being posted about you! In today’s article, we will provide you with some growth hacks to help grow your social media presence and bring about more success with your social media growth hacks strategy.

Respond to Every Comment

Across all social networks, responding to comments both big and small is crucial. The sites and platforms themselves prefer comment activity over simple likes. This makes responding to comments an opportunity to bring about more credibility for your profile. Try a question response where appropriate to elicit even more conversation.

Utilize the “See More” Call to Action to Entice

This tactic works best within the LinkedIn community. Keep the description content of your post minimal, two short sentences at most. Then, provide a “See More” link at the end to call your readers to act, including inviting other members to visit and learn what they just discovered within your link.

Too Much Promotion is Painful

Promoting your business as the primary subject of your posts, or making up the majority of your post topics, can prove troublesome for your engagement. These platforms are called “social” media platforms for a reason!
People will be turned off to engaging with you if all they see coming from you are self-promotion messages. Try to share content from a well-respected and relevant authority about 2 to 3 times a week!

More Stories for more Swipe Ups

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide you the option of creating stories for your users to engage with. Create plenty of stories on a daily basis and prompt your viewers to “swipe up” on the content they like to increase the traffic to your posts.

When competing in the social media space, every edge you can gain with social media growth hacks counts in the competition. For a wholistic approach to your social media marketing efforts, and creating a social powerhouse in your industry, give our team of digital marketing professionals a call at OCGnow at (904) 600-3600.

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