WordPress Malware Attack Affects over 2.5 Million Website Security

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on September 15, 2020 and has been updated for enhancing accuracy and detail. 

An online WordPress malware attack has been causing some malicious ramifications for business owners utilizing WordPress websites, including the defacing and deactivation of the sites, extraction of confidential payment information, and major SEO penalties.

Website security experts have reported a recent attack, called a “zero-day attack”, whose reach of affected WordPress websites has grown to well over 2.5 million to date. A zero-day attack refers to when hackers have found a newly discovered exploit in a software and formed an attack, most specifically before the software developer was aware of it and could implement a security patch solution. The attack has been formulated through a breach of security of the WP File Manager plugin.

Attacks have topped over 10,000 hits an hour, and there are still several hundred thousand websites that remain breached due to an outdated version of the plugin remaining installed on the site, reports from credible security sources have confirmed.

Malware, short for malicious software, are programs that have been created to infiltrate computers and steal information or cause damage in secret. Vulnerabilities are created from the attacks that can have far-reaching consequences for the infected website.

Chat with our website security experts at OCGnow to learn more about how we can help identify if malware has infected your website and how it can affect your online capital.

A host of exploits to WordPress websites are made possible when under attack, most critical of which are the backdoors being created in both root folders. If not taken care of correctly, these backdoors can leave an opening available for future attacks. In addition to this malicious code being injected directly into the core of your website, any payment information, as well as user credentials like usernames and passwords, are being extracted by the threat actors (the term used to identify the malware attackers). SEO spam campaigns have also been detected from affected websites, causing their search engine ranks to drop.

Valuable advertising opportunities, like Google Ads campaigns, are being suspended when the represented websites become infected with malware. This safety measure from leading advertising software platforms can cause setbacks for your advertising investments.

Do you know if your website is being attacked through the WP File Manager exploit? All of the above-mentioned repercussions of this WordPress malware attack (and more!) can cause harm to your online presence, which is crucial for properly representing your brand. OCGnow provides professional website protection to remove malware and harden your website to a range of attacks. 

Our team of experts can implement a comprehensive suite of superior website security solutions, including two-factor authentication. This deters threat actors and malware bots from accessing your sensitive information like login credentials by masking your login page. For more information about how we can help protect your online real estate from a daily surge of online attacks, give us a call at 904-600-3600 about our complimentary 17-point inspection designed to identify and repair any security vulnerabilities within your website. 

We at OCGnow can help.

Your Online Capital Group offers full-service solutions for business owners to protect, design, and market their online presence. Get expert intervention and support for issues that can compromise the foundation of your brand’s reputation. 

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