Digital Marketing for Contractor Services

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Contractors working on a job while considering marketing contractor services

Contractors make up some of the largest group of “doers” in the service industry. From repairing or installing plumbing to your home to waterproofing your crawl space or basement, they keep things running smoothly. They work within nearly every community for millions of people every day.

If your service company provides a high-quality outcome, chances are you have already begun to develop (or have a well-established) word of mouth. This type of strategy will work well to get you business.

If this is the case, and you are not currently also diving into growing your online presence, we strongly urge you to begin doing so. Considering digital marketing contractor services is a great next step to take!

Settling for a steady stream of referrals from the loyalty of previous customers may hold water for the success of your business. However, if you want to truly increase the span and capacity of your consumer base, turning to digital marketing strategies is important!

The following digital marketing tips will help grow your contracting business:

1. The first tip is to obtain a highly converting and professional contracting website. Increasing the convenience of homeowners contacting you to schedule services is key. This is best done by making mobile optimization a priority. Most search queries are made on mobile devices today, making it crucial to have a great looking, easy-to-navigate, and highly functional website.

People will need to leave having been impacted by the identity of your brand, what you do, and how they can contact you within the first two and a half seconds! It has been proven that if these few variables are not answered for a visitor to your website within that amount of time, they will quickly leave the site.

2. Second, you will want to integrate a CRM into your relevant company processes. CRM software is highly important for both the efficiency and efficacy of your contracting business. This allows you to basically set up many different things for automation, like lead capturing and email marketing for example. This helps your business to become more scalable, especially if you have a larger number of salespeople on your team.

3. Third, and perhaps one of the most important things to invest in, is your online presence. Reputation management for your business is key for homeowners and other people that are looking for contractors. While they are looking into your business, they will come across all of the online reviews that have been left after your work, both good and bad!

4. Fourth, getting listed on local directories is paramount. It is a must for your visibility during search engine queries from potential customers.

Want more than these great tips? Get outcomes from digital marketing contractor services right off the bat with the digital marketing team behind OCGnow. Give us a call today at (904) 600-3600 to begin to optimize your online presence and start receiving results upfront, attracting customers to your contracting services from all surrounding locations.

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