SEO Tips & Strategies for Marketing An Airbnb Property

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Photo of a rustic location for marketing an airbnb property

Naturally, if you have chosen to invest in an Airbnb venture you will want to get the most out of your investment. You may be implementing strategies for marketing an Airbnb property to gain a competitive edge. Listing a great property alone isn’t the key to getting it booked.

One such marketing strategy highly effective for Airbnb hosts lies in their SEO. The following tips will help you achieve higher ranking listings in the midst of the rapidly growing community that is turning to Airbnb investments for making a profit.

Descriptive, Relevant Title

A descriptive and creative title will help you stand out from other listings. Presenting a creative approach to displaying your property will surely get it noticed. Be sure that everything you have inside your property is still up to date with the photos on the listing. People want to know what they’re expecting when they book your place.

Respond Quickly

This variable is very important because Airbnb keeps track of how long it takes you to respond. If you have somebody that is inquiring about your property or sending a message, you will want to have a notification system in place. This will help you communicate back with your customer on the fly. Having a quick response time is naturally beneficial to your listing.

Offer Competitive Rates

A great way to do this is to price your property a little higher and follow with a discount. Whether you implement a 10% or 15% discount or offer a coupon, presenting a sale will help customers get a deal in the face of your competition. Another way to offer great rates is to price your properties under the average market price on a nightly rate.

Update Your Calendar Regularly

Be aware of upcoming holidays when people might be looking for locations to rent near notable vacation spots or large events. Putting mention of that event or location in your listing description will not only hit those keywords but let shoppers know just how prime your location is.

Following these strategies for marketing an Airbnb property will help to get your properties to the top ranks of search results. These tips address keywords in titles and descriptions that you can use to help optimize the search results of your properties.

If you are developing an independent Airbnb representation for listing properties to generate income, give these marketing tips a try. For all other marketing ventures, and to make the most out of your investment into your Online Capital, give OCGnow a try by scheduling a free evaluation over the phone at (904) 600-3600!

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