How Effective Are Video Marketing Strategies?

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Video on mobile phone depicting video marketing strategies

This article is a part of the series Becoming Successful Digitally by OCGnow’s Chief Operations Manager Joshua Lampright. To read the previous article in the seriesvisit The Benefits of Call Tracking.

Today we are going to be looking at some insights regarding video marketing that emphasize the potential of this often untapped resource.

Each day, 75 million Americans consume online videos. To put that in perspective, that data means that 25% of the nation’s population will watch something online at some point today.

Of that number of people, 50% are going to use their mobile device to watch the film.

Video marketing strategies make a lasting impact on your audience. 95% of your video message will be retained in our highly visually driven society, compared to only 10% of text-based information.

Have you ever seen the word “Video” in your email subject line? Did you click it? The fact is, that consumers are 13% more likely to open an email if the title highlights that there is video content inside.

Websites with embedded videos can bring in up to 55% more traffic. Last but not least, landing pages featuring videos can increase conversions by up to a staggering 80% more efficiently.

Everyone knows that YouTube is one of the most popular resources to find new video content. Did you know that a recent study from the IFPI revealed that 47% of all YouTube accounts are sharing music? That means that 53% of over 1 BILLION people are looking for alternative video entertainment options.

If there is a question as to why people are not as engaged with your message, this information suggests that you might be wise to consider adding video marketing strategies to your marketing mix.

As always, if you find yourself biting off more than you can chew, OCGnow is ready to jump in to help take control of your online presence. Call or text us at (904) 600-3600, visit our website at, or set up a scheduled time to discuss some free digital marketing consultation.

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